For the past five years, the Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC (FMCBC) and other groups have been lobbying the Province of B.C. to increase funding for provincial parks. BC Parks has chronically underfunded parks and trails for over 20 years – and the trails we love need some TLC.
Four years ago, the Province announced plans to increase the number of campsites after input from many user groups and the public. We are seeking to get action again by focusing on trails and showcasing the need to increase funding.
Trail audits and condition reports
When provincial parks open this summer, we aim to perform trail audits on many popular trails in BC Provincial Parks and Crown lands managed by Recreation Sites and Trails BC.
Here’s what we are looking to find through these trail audits:
• Document the state of each trail including existing trail infrastructure, such as bridges and boardwalks. Include washed-out or blocked drainage pipes and locations that need drainage or boardwalks.
• Detail places where trail braiding and erosion is occurring. For example, many trails near Vancouver have eroded down to tree roots, making hiking hazardous.
• Take photos to support and showcase trail conditions.
Based on these trail audits, a detailed report will be created and presented to BC Parks and elected officials. These audits and the consolidated report will assist FMCBC in advocating for increased funding for BC Parks.
In turn, BC Parks will be able to prioritize trail work, identify complex work to be completed by student work groups, and define less onerous work that can be undertaken by volunteers. Note: we are not proposing that clubs take on trail work.
Take a hike! Trek your favourite or new trails and monitor trail conditions
We require volunteers from across BC to learn how to use perform and document trail audits based on BC Parks standards. Sign-up to be notified about an upcoming webinar/ workshop.
Even if you do not have time to complete an official trail audit, you can still assist by taking photos of trail conditions and reporting what you encounter. After completing the training, submit your trail audit here. Make sure to send the trail location and a description of noted issues when submitting photos.
Questions? Send them to