President’s Message


Fall is here and what a welcome change to have rain. It is wonderful to see Mother Nature lapping up the moisture when hiking.

Sevral of us hiked in the Ceomox Valley recently including fellow Board Director Paula McGahon. We hiked to Cruikshank Canyon one lovely sunny day and did a loop around the many lakes in the area. I’m sure that Comox Valley Pioneers had a much better view than us over the expanse of Forbidden Plateau from Cruikshank Canyon. Our view was somewhat marred by recent clearcutting, never a pretty sight.

Please all mark your calendars for Saturday Oct 23, for our AGM. I had hoped to have this in person and very much appreciate the offer to host from the North Shore Hiking Club. However, as we are now in phase 4 of the Covid Pandemic, your Board of Directors thought it was more prudent to hold the AGM virtually. There will be a small financial incentive to attend! See more in this addition of Cloudburst. You can expect to receive a copy of the Agenda and all of the relevant materials well in advance of the AGM.

Like all organizations we are only as good as our Board of Directors and you as active members. I encourage you to think of allowing your name to stand as a Board Member. Elections are a vital part of the AGM.

Again, welcome to Fall and I look forward to seeing you at FMCBC’s virtual AGM on October 23.


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