President’s Message Spring/Summer 2022

Despite it being the coldest Spring on record in BC, it is nice to see the longer evenings and to welcome the new growth of Spring. With it comes the promise of more non-motorized outdoor activities on our wonderful trails and in the backcountry.

During a time when it feels like everything is changing on a regular basis with the ground literally shifting under our feet, our unwavering commitment to protecting and enhancing non-motorized use of our trails and in the backcountry is more vital than ever.

I’m delighted to report that our request for volunteers with communications expertise was successful. We are pleased to welcome two communications professionals to our volunteer team.

Skilled in media relations and social media content, they will work directly under our Communications Manager, Tori Escallier. We look forward to increasing our social media presence and promoting the work that the FMCBC does to protect and maintain access to non-motorized outdoor recreation and BC’s backcountry.

Diversity and inclusivity is a vital part of BC’s rich cultural heritage. I invite all clubs to consider expanding diversity and inclusivity in the ranks of your membership. I am working on an event with multicultural organizations in Victoria to plan an outing on BC Trails Day, Saturday, June 4. You might like to consider something similar in your own clubs. We’d love to see your photos of any BC Trails Day activities.

It’s a busy time for your FMCBC Executive, with Insurance renewals and membership counts happening. Do please make our life easier by responding promptly to e-mail requests for information from Tori Escallier, our wonderfully efficient Admin and Communications Manager. I thank you in advance for prompt payment when you receive your invoices.

FMCBC is developing a new Trail Tracker under the leadership of Jay MacArthur. Further details are available in this issue of Cloudburst.
After reaching out to our members for input, the FMCBC Board has decided to have an online Annual General Meeting this year via Zoom. I look forward to seeing you all virtually at our upcoming AGM, Saturday June 25, 2022. If you have any items that you would like to see on the Agenda, please send those directly to Tori as the planning for the AGM is well underway.

Thank you for being part of FMCBC — stay safe out there.
Liz Bicknell.

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