On May 1, 2023, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy announced that they are giving a $10-million grant to the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC to help the charity set up a new endowment fund – the Outdoor Recreation fund of BC.
Starting next spring, volunteer outdoor recreation groups, Indigenous Nations and local governments will benefit from grants coming out of the new $10-million endowment fund managed by the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC. Volunteer groups dedicated to building and maintaining nature trails and outdoor recreation sites will soon have access to a steady stream of funding for their projects. FMCBC was proud to be part of this historic announcement. I have invited the Outdoor Recreation Council to give a presentation on the endowment fund at our Oct 21, AGM, to be held in person in Vancouver. Please mark the date in your calendar as you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
Front row, L to R:
Aman Singh, Parliamentary Secretary, Ximena Diaz, ORC Communications, Louise Pederson, ORC, BC Environment Minister George Heyman, Paula Amos, Indigenous Tourism, Andrew Pape-Salmon, Southern VI Nature Trail Society
Back row, L to R
Kim Reeves, Four Wheel Drive Association, Liz Bicknell, FMCBC, Tennessee Trent, BC Govt, John Hawkings, BC Govt.