The FMCBC welcomed presenters at our 2023 Annual General Meeting held October 21st at the University of British Columbia.
Back Country Horsemen of BC
Brian Harder
We would like to share some simple ideas that will make everyone’s experience on a shared trail a positive one including the horse or mule. Some of the things for you to be aware of regarding horses on the trail are:
1. STOP – Reduce the Speed Factor • Reduce the Surprise Factor • Let the Horse See You
2. STAND – Look at how the Horse reacts? • Relaxed & Indifferent? • Alert? Tense? Afraid? How is the Rider Reacting? • Confident or Anxious?
3. SPEAK – Call out to the rider(s) to get their attention. Speak to them well before you get close. Remember horses almost always have the right of way.
LISTEN • For requests or instructions from the Horseback Rider
APPROACHING HORSES FROM BEHIND • Slow Down & stay well behind the horse • Talk to the rider before passing
APPROACHING HORSES HEAD ON • Stop, Stand & Speak • Stand on the low side of the trail • Avoid standing in the shadows if possible • Allow the horse to move past you • If the rider is struggling with a frightened horse – removing your helmet and speaking in a relaxed tone may be of assistance. • Listen for any suggestions / instructions from the rider
EACH HORSE IS DIFFERENT The Horses you encounter on the Trail will all respond differently depending on: Temperament:
COMMUNICATE with the Horse Rider It is almost always preferred to have the horse move past the bike, rather than a bike moving past the horse, but the terrain and circumstance will determine who can keep moving and who should be standing still.
Back Country Horsemen of BC – working towards making everyone’s experience on a trail enjoyable.
Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
Ximena Lopez
The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (ORCBC) is launching a new fund that will provide yearly grants for outdoor recreation projects in B.C. The fund will be in development until March 2024 and is expected to open its first grant application intake in Spring 2024. Stay tuned for updates on ORCBC’s website and by subscribing to ORCBC’s newsletter.
A new ORCBC study illustrates the economic, social and environmental impacts of outdoor recreation for rural B.C. communities. It found that benefits and opportunities exist because outdoor spaces and their associated values are actively cared for by community members. However, the capacity to care for places is limited and can be surpassed, which may lead to negative impacts. The impacts, challenges and opportunities faced by communities are explored in depth in the new research report, which you may read in full here ( For a shorter read, you can find four key lessons from the research on ORCBC’s blog (
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Ardath Paxton Mann