The FMCBC welcomed presenters at our 2023 Annual General Meeting held October 21st at the University of British Columbia. Back[…]
SWBC Recreation & Conservation Committee Report
The SWBC Recreation and Conservation Committee, FMCBC clubs and members have worked on a range of issues since the last[…]
Blogs and Pods
Earlier this year, the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology presented a series of lectures by prominent scientists on Climate[…]
A Trip Report in Prose I & II: Manning Park
Frosty Mountain Snow, not frost A wall to wall carpet as Brenda and I leave Hope and at the trail[…]
Snowshoeing and Avalanche Safety – An Update
In 2018, I wrote an article on snowshoeing and avalanche safety for the spring/summer issue of Cloudburst (Avalanche Safety and[…]